
Gucci x Xbox

Polo, golf, croquet, and…Fortnite? If you don’t think playing video games is a classy pastime, Gucci’s collaboration with Xbox might change your mind.  

This special edition Xbox costs an eye-popping $10,000. It includes a game console, two wireless controllers, and a carrying case that looks like it belongs on the set of Downton Abbey. It functions like a suitcase, so you can take the whole setup on board your private jet and never miss a day of play.

This console obviously isn't the kind that lives in a teenager’s basement. So why did Xbox collaborate with Gucci when the average gamer wouldn’t be able to afford a luxury handbag?

The brands didn’t intend for this gaming set to be a huge hit. Since they knew there would be few takers, they only made 100 of them.

This collaboration was more about branding than it was about creating the next best product. As a luxury fashion company, Gucci can give off a sophisticated essence, and since most of their accessories cost more than an original Xbox, they tend to attract a slightly older crowd. Partnering with Xbox helped Gucci appeal to a younger audience by appearing more playful, modern, and relevant. 

In addition to Xbox, Gucci has partnered with all sorts of gaming platforms, including FACEIT and Pokémon Go. They are leading the charge on high-fashion tech and grabbing young people’s attention along the way. 

And there isn’t much question as to what’s in it for Xbox—a Gucci collaboration is an impressive accomplishment for any brand to have on their resume. Gucci can elevate any brand’s image, and while the original Xbox is already a high-quality product, Gucci’s double G monogram adds a layer of elegance that leaves all the other gaming systems in the dust. It’s safe to say that this was an excellent way for Xbox to celebrate their 20th anniversary.  

Even though this collaboration wouldn't appeal to either brand’s core customers, its message was nonetheless clear: Xbox is the winner, and Gucci can play, too.