Food & Beverage

Athletic Brewing Co. x Laird Superfood

When the weekend rolls around, it’s tempting to schedule as many fun activities as possible. But it’s often a balancing act because if you rack up too many beers on a Saturday night, your weekend is pretty much over. You’re not going to wake up eager to catch a sunrise surf or take a 5 mile hike if you’r recovering from a massive hangover.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way—you can enjoy a great IPA and continue to lead an active lifestyle.   

Yes, we’re talking about non-alcoholic IPA. We all know that alcohol impairs athletic performance, but most non-alcoholic beers taste sad and empty, like you’re missing out on all the fun.  


Incredibly, the non-alcoholic IPA by Laird Superfood and Athletic Brewing Co. is the opposite of that. This tropical drink feeds your soul—with bursts of mango, pinneapple, and coconut, it tastes exactly like how you would imagine Hawaii to taste if it were compressed into a single flavor.

Instead of wallowing with your can of fake, soulless beer, you can take a sip of Superfood Swell and be instantly transported to Hawaii, reminding you of how great you’ll feel the next morning when you wake up to hit the beach. And you actually will feel great because this IPA is high in quality ingredients and low in carbs and sugar. 

Laird Superfood was founded by none other than big wave surfer Laird Hamilton. They make healthy, plant-based snacks, drink mixes, and more. Just like Athletic Brewing Co., Laird Superfood is on a mission to help customers enjoy tasty treats while also supporting their athletic performance goals. 

Having a well-known athlete behind the brand adds even more authenticity to the message of this collaboration. Laird Hamilton perfectly embodies the values of Athletic Brewing Co. Now we can drink a non-alcoholic IPA and feel inspired to get up and seize the day, just like Laird.